Board of Governance

- Appointed to the Board on 1st June 2017 and appointed as the Chairman on 26th October 2017.
- Skills & Experience
Mr. Jagath holds a B.Sc. in Agriculture (Special), Sri Lanka and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management from the National Institute of Business Management (Sri Lanka). He worked as an Independent Consultant for local and international organizations in enterprise development. He has more than 33 years of experience in microfinance, enterprise development and related activities.

Managing Director
- Appointed to the Board on 20th November 2014 and appointed as the Managing Director on 26th October 2017.
- Skills & Experience
Mr. Anura holds a B.Sc. in Agriculture (Special), Sri Lanka, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Lincoln, UK, a Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Development from Colombo University and Certificate in Agriculture Extension and Rural Development from the University of Reading, UK. He has over 34 years of extensive management and consultancy experience in microfinance and enterprise development services, poverty alleviation in local and international organizations including World Bank, Asian Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme, Women’s World Banking and the Mix Market.

Deputy Managing Director
- Appointed to the Board on 20th November 2014 and appointed as the Deputy Managing Director on 26th October 2017.
- Skills & Experience
Mr. Charith holds a Master of Business Administration from Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK and a B.Sc. Public Management (Special) Degree from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. He is also a Certified Microfinance Management Professional by the Boulder Institute of Microfinance, US. Further, he is at the final stage of Chartered Accountancy at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICASL). Apart from being a Founding Director of BMIC, he also served as the General Manager of Berendina Microcredit Institute (Guarantee) Limited, and the General Manager – Finance & Administration for Berendina Group, before assuming his present position. He was a Board Member and the Treasurer of the Lanka Microfinance Practitioners’ Association during the period of 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. He has experience in the field of Auditing, Accounting & Finance and Microfinance in the private and ‘NGO’ sector establishments over 20 years and has attended many national and international microfinance conferences and events.

Independent Non-Executive Director
- Appointed to the Board on 16th June 2015.
- Skills & Experience
Ms. Vinodini is an Associate Member of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK (ACMA-UK) and an Associate Member of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (ACMA). She also holds a Certificate in Taxation from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. Prior to assuming her duties as a Director of BMIC, she was the General Manager – Finance, Admin and HR for Berendina Group. She also served as a part time Consultant in the field of microfinance and finance. Ms. Vinodini has more than 17 years of experience in finance, procurement, compliance monitoring and in successfully rolling out an integrated business ERP system.

Independent Non-Executive Director
- Appointed to the Board on 9th May 2019
- Skills & Experience
Mr. Sarath has 38 years of experience in the banking sector including HNB, NTB, PAB and RDB. He is a fellow member of IBSL, SLIM and Australian Sales and Marketing Institute. He holds MBA from the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM). He also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, Diploma in Banking, Diploma in Bank Management. He was a former President of Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), the Secretary General of Asia Pacific Marketing Federation in 2006, a committee member of World Marketing Federation in 2006 and 2007 and the chief examiner of Institute of Bankers’ Sri Lanka (IBSL) for Marketing from 1999 to 2009. Mr. Sarath is also a lecturer and a presenter for banking, marketing and management subjects in Sri Lanka and abroad.

Independent Non-Executive Director
- Appointed to the Board on 28th August 2023
- Skills & Experience
Ms. Priyana Gunesekera has demonstrated her skills for over 40 years in the specialized fields of finance, internal audit, treasury management, business development, planning, taxation and systems and controls, and staff training and development. She honed in these extensive specializations with her performed roles as Director- Internal Audit Services at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Head of Listings and Corporate Affairs at the Colombo Stock Exchange, General Manager Finance at Hutch, and other roles of, DGM Finance, DGM Treasury & Planning, AGM/Manager- Internal audit, Senior AGM Finance at two leading Finance Companies and Manager – Audit & training at Ernst & Young.
Priyana is an esteemed Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, and a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants CIMA(UK) & a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors. Further she holds a Masters in Business Administration from Sikkim Manipal University – India. Additionally, she is a Certified Fraud Examiner.