
Berendina conducts MenCare Training session in Pattipalai

Traditional gender roles and societal norms often limit opportunities for women, contributing to gender-based violence and economic disparities. These roles also restrict men’s involvement in caregiving and child-rearing, affecting family dynamics and community stability.

Berendina strives to build a nation with equal participation by advancing gender norms and conducts a series of MenCare training programs across all regions. The long-term impacts of MenCare Training on family dynamics can be significant, as it addresses and alleviates sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) through potential positive changes in family dynamics. These changes include promoting gender equality, improving mental health, enhancing economic stability, and fostering community engagement. Such benefits not only support individual families but also contribute to a more equitable society overall.

On July 25, 2024, Berendina held a MenCare Training session in Pattipalai, marking the first of three training sessions. This initial session was attended by 23 male participants. This program specifically targeted married men with two or more children from vulnerable rural communities. The training emphasized fostering active, equitable, and non-violent involvement of men as partners, fathers, and caregivers.

Participants reported a heightened understanding of gender equality, improved parenting practices, and strengthened family relationships. Engaged fatherhood promotes child development, and men who participate in caregiving often experience improved mental health. Furthermore, shared caregiving responsibilities contribute to increased household income and stability, benefiting the entire community.

We anticipate that MenCare Training will continue to inspire and empower men to play an active role in promoting gender equality, thereby cultivating healthier and more equitable communities for future generations.